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What division is Siena Heights University football?

Hey guys, does anybody know what division the Siena Heights University football team is in? I'm trying to see if it's a good fit for me as a potential student-athlete. Thanks!

10 months ago

Siena Heights University football competes in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) as a member of the Mid-States Football Association (MSFA). While not part of the NCAA divisions (I, II, or III), NAIA schools like Siena Heights focus on providing a competitive athletics experience with an emphasis on academics and character development.

As a potential student-athlete interested in Siena Heights, it's essential to research the program, coaching staff, and overall school culture. Consider reaching out to the football coaching staff to express your interest, ask questions, and even share your highlight reel if available. You can also communicate with current players to learn more about their experiences and gain a deeper understanding of the team and university.

In addition, don't forget to consider the academic programs offered by Siena Heights University, as balancing your athletic and academic goals is crucial for long-term success. Good luck with your research and the college application process!

10 months ago

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