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Skidmore's Theatre Program

Hey folks! I've been researching colleges with strong theatre programs and came across Skidmore College. Can somebody tell me more about their theatre program, like the productions they put on and opportunities for majors? Thanks!

10 months ago

Sure thing! Skidmore College has an excellent Theatre Department, known for its high-quality productions and wide range of opportunities for theatre majors. The department offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Theatre, with options to focus on different aspects of theater such as acting, directing, design, and technical production. One unique aspect of Skidmore's program is that it also emphasizes the study of theatre history, literature, and theory, which helps students develop a broader understanding of the field.

Each year, the department produces four mainstage productions, which are directed by faculty members or guest artists. These productions span a variety of genres, including classics, contemporary plays, and even musicals. In addition to mainstage productions, there are numerous student-directed projects known as Black Box or Studio Lab productions. These smaller-scale shows give students a chance to take on more responsibility in directing, designing, and producing performances.

Skidmore's Theatre Department boasts several state-of-the-art facilities, including the Janet Kinghorn Bernhard Theater, which has a large proscenium stage, and the JKB Theater Black Box, a more intimate and flexible performance space. Additionally, the college has excellent costume, scene, and lighting shops, where students have the opportunity to work on all aspects of production.

Beyond on-campus productions, Skidmore theatre students have access to various off-campus opportunities. The college has connections with regional theatre companies, and students can participate in internships at places like the Williamstown Theatre Festival or Berkshire Theatre Group. The department also schedules guest artists throughout the year, who share their expertise through workshops and masterclasses.

Lastly, Skidmore offers a theatre-centered study abroad program in London. Students can spend a semester immersing themselves in the city's rich theatrical culture while studying at the British American Drama Academy.

Overall, Skidmore College's Theatre Department provides a comprehensive and well-rounded education for students interested in pursuing a career in theatre. With a strong focus on both the practical and theoretical aspects of the field, coupled with numerous production opportunities and off-campus experiences, Skidmore's theatre program stands out as an excellent choice for aspiring theatre creators.

10 months ago

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