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What's Indiana Wesleyan's Sports Division?

Hi everyone! I'm looking into Indiana Wesleyan University and I'm a bit confused about their athletic division. Are they in NCAA Division 1, 2, or 3? Any helpful info about their sports programs would be great!

10 months ago

Indiana Wesleyan University (IWU) competes in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) rather than the NCAA. Specifically, they are part of the Crossroads League within the NAIA.

NAIA is a collegiate governing body that serves smaller colleges and universities and emphasizes character-driven intercollegiate athletics. The competition level is still high, but the schools in NAIA generally focus more on the balance between academics and athletics.

IWU offers a variety of men's and women's sports, including basketball, soccer, track & field, cross country, tennis, golf, baseball (for men), and softball (for women), among others. The university has a solid track record of success in a number of these sports, which is evidenced by several conference championships, runs in national tournaments, and regular appearances in various rankings.

If you're interested in playing sports at IWU, I'd recommend reaching out to the coaches of the specific sports you're interested in to learn more about the programs and any potential recruitment opportunities. Best of luck with your future endeavors!

10 months ago

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