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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How big is the student population at CNU?

Hi everyone! I'm a high school junior researching potential colleges, and Christopher Newport University caught my attention. I was wondering about the size of the student population at CNU and what kind of community it fosters. Is it a close-knit community, or are there enough people to make it feel like a bigger school? Appreciate any input!

10 months ago

Hello! Christopher Newport University (CNU) is a smaller-sized public institution located in Newport News, Virginia. The student population at CNU is around 4,500 students, with about 4,400 undergraduates and 100 graduate students. This places CNU on the smaller side compared to many larger public universities.

With this size, CNU can offer a close-knit community where students can form strong connections, and it's easier to get to know your fellow students and professors. Smaller class sizes are also a benefit of this type of campus, making it more likely for you to have personalized attention from the faculty and to engage in discussions.

However, even though it's not as large as some other universities, CNU still has a range of opportunities for you to get involved in extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports. It's essential to take advantage of these opportunities to make connections and form a solid network while in college.

While CNU may not have the same extensive resources or huge events as larger schools, it provides a more intimate and focused environment for students. Ultimately, you should consider your preferences and priorities for your college experience when deciding whether CNU's smaller size aligns with what you're looking for.

10 months ago

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