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St. Thomas (Minnesota) Athletics: How Competitive?

Hi! I've been checking out St. Thomas in Minnesota and sports are really important to me. Can anyone share their experience with the competitiveness of the athletics programs there? Any feedback is appreciated!

10 months ago

Hello! I can definitely provide you with some information on the competitiveness of athletics programs at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota.

St. Thomas competes in NCAA Division I, having made the transition from Division III in 2021. They are part of the Summit League for most sports, with some teams competing in other conferences, such as the Pioneer Football League for football and the Western Collegiate Hockey Association for women's ice hockey. As a result of the transition to Division I, the competitiveness has increased significantly compared to when they were in Division III.

The University offers a variety of men's and women's sports, including basketball, soccer, football, ice hockey, and many others. While the competitiveness within each sport will vary based on factors like coaching, talent, and facilities, you can expect a higher level of competition at the Division I level compared to Division III or any other level of athletics.

That said, St. Thomas is still establishing itself within Division I, so the programs may not be as competitive as those at more established DI schools. However, many students have found the athletic programs to be well-managed and engaging, with a good balance between academics and sports.

If you're considering St. Thomas, I encourage you to reach out to the coaches for the specific sports you're interested in, as they can provide more information on the program and its competitiveness. Additionally, consider attending campus visits or showcases, where you can get a feel for the athletic culture and opportunities available at the University.

I hope this helps! Best of luck with your college search.

10 months ago

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