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Political Science at UCF

Hello everyone! I'm researching different colleges and considering majoring in political science. Can anyone tell me about the political science program at UCF? How are the professors, course load, and internship opportunities?

10 months ago

Hello! The political science program at the University of Central Florida (UCF) is solid and well-regarded. Here's a brief breakdown of what you can expect in terms of professors, course load, and internship opportunities.

Professors: UCF's political science faculty is diverse and knowledgeable, with many professors holding degrees from top institutions and specializing in various subfields within political science. You'll find that many of them are passionate about their research and engaged in the classroom. As with any university, there will be some variation in teaching styles; be sure to check professor reviews to get a sense of individual teaching approaches and class structures.

Course Load: The political science major at UCF requires a total of 36 credit hours within the major. The curriculum is comprehensive, covering American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory. Additionally, there are courses on research methods, which are crucial for developing skills necessary in the field. You'll have the flexibility to choose electives within the major based on your interests and career goals, allowing for a well-rounded education.

Internship Opportunities: UCF's location in Orlando, Florida, means that you'll have access to various internships in local, state, and federal government, as well as nonprofit organizations and private sector companies. The university's Office of Experiential Learning and the Political Science Department both provide resources and support for securing internships. Some students have landed internships at places like the Florida House of Representatives, the U.S. Department of State, and various political campaigns. Additionally, you might consider participating in UCF's Legislative Scholars Program, which offers students the opportunity to intern with members of the Florida Legislature during legislative sessions.

Overall, UCF's political science program combines strong academics and real-world experiences to prepare you for a successful career in the field. Be sure to reach out to current or former students, visit the department's website, and attend any virtual info sessions to get a better sense of the program and whether it's a good fit for you. Good luck!

10 months ago

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