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Forensic Psychology Majors at Colleges

Hey, I want to study forensic psychology in college. I'm trying to find schools with this major, does anyone know any good ones?

10 months ago

Forensic psychology is a relatively specialized field, so not many colleges offer it as a standalone major. However, there are several universities where you can study psychology and pursue a concentration or coursework related to forensic psychology. Here are a few options:

1. John Jay College of Criminal Justice — At John Jay, you can major in forensic psychology specifically. This school is part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system and is well-known for its programs related to criminal justice and forensic psychology.

2. George Washington University — GWU offers a bachelor's degree in psychology, and you can choose elective courses that focus on the forensic aspect of the field. Also, explore opportunities to work with faculty on research related to forensic psychology.

3. Florida Institute of Technology — FIT has a psychology program that includes a concentration in forensic psychology. You'll complete a general psychology major and then take additional courses specifically related to forensic psychology.

4. University of Denver — The psychology major at DU offers a concentration in forensic psychology. This path will allow you to gain expertise in both psychology and criminal justice.

In general, it's a good idea to look for colleges that have strong psychology and criminal justice programs. Since forensic psychology is a mix of these two disciplines, having access to professors and resources in both fields will be beneficial. You could also consider majoring in psychology and minoring in criminal justice, or vice versa, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the area.

When selecting a school, make sure to research opportunities for internships, research, and relevant extracurricular activities related to forensic psychology, as these experiences can be invaluable when you apply for graduate programs or jobs in the field. Keep in mind that many careers in forensic psychology will require a graduate degree (master's or even a doctorate), so it's essential to consider your long-term education plan and how the colleges on your list can help you achieve those goals.

10 months ago

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