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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Map?

Hello, I'm looking into Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and I am curious about the layout of the campus. Does anyone have a map or any info on how the campus is organized or laid out? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hello! Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) has a beautiful and expansive campus. The layout is designed to accommodate various academic departments, student life facilities, central campus areas for events and recreation, and housing options.

You can find the campus map directly on the SIUE website on the "About SIUE" page under the "Directions & Maps" tab. Here is the link to the interactive campus map:

On the interactive map, you can explore different buildings and landmarks on campus by clicking on them, and you can get more information on its function and location. You can also use the search bar or filter options in the top left corner to find specific buildings or areas.

As you navigate the map, you'll notice SIUE has a relatively centralized layout with most academic buildings around the central part of the campus, like the Morris University Center, Science Building West, and the Engineering Building. The campus also features green spaces and recreational areas, including the Gardens at SIUE, and various student housing options situated in specific regions such as Cougar Village Apartments and Evergreen Residence Hall.

I hope this helps and provides you with a better understanding of the SIUE campus layout. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions!

10 months ago

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