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Thoughts on Computer Engineering at ASU?

Hey everyone! So, I've been looking into computer engineering programs and I came across Arizona State University's program. Does anyone have any experience, opinions, or advice about the computer engineering program at ASU? How well does it compare to other universities?

10 months ago

Hey there! Arizona State University's (ASU) computer engineering program is a solid choice for anyone interested in the field. ASU's Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering offers a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) in Computer Systems Engineering, which is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

Some strengths of ASU's computer engineering program include:

1. Access to state-of-the-art facilities: ASU's engineering campus has modern laboratories, classrooms, and research centers, offering students hands-on experience with cutting-edge technology.

2. Faculty expertise: ASU prides itself on having faculty members who are both knowledgeable in their field and dedicated to student success. Many professors are involved in research, giving students the opportunity to participate in projects that have real-world implications.

3. Industry partnerships: ASU has developed strong relationships with companies in the technology sector, giving students access to internships, co-op experiences, and potential job opportunities.

4. Campus resources: ASU has various resources for engineering students, such as the Fulton Career Center, which provides career guidance, job search assistance, and networking events.

ASU's computer engineering program is a good option; however, it's essential to consider how it compares to other universities. Nationally, ASU's engineering programs don't usually rank quite as high as some top-tier engineering schools, such as MIT, Stanford, or UC Berkeley. It's important to note, though, that ASU has a growing reputation and continues to improve its programs.

When comparing schools, take into account factors such as location, campus culture, financial aid opportunities, and your specific career goals. ASU's computer engineering program may be a great fit for some students, while others may find a better match at a different institution. Overall, ASU's computer engineering program is strong and would provide a valuable education for someone passionate about the field.

10 months ago

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