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SUNY Fredonia athletics

What's up everyone? I'm thinking about applying to SUNY Fredonia next year and wanted to ask if anyone could share their experiences or knowledge about the athletic programs offered there? I'd appreciate any info!

10 months ago

Hello! SUNY Fredonia has a variety of athletic programs available for students to participate in. They are a part of NCAA Division III and offer sports for both men and women. Here's a quick rundown of the sports offered:

Men's Sports:

1. Baseball

2. Basketball

3. Cross Country

4. Ice Hockey

5. Lacrosse

6. Soccer

7. Swimming & Diving

8. Track & Field

Women's Sports:

1. Basketball

2. Cross Country

3. Lacrosse

4. Soccer

5. Softball

6. Swimming & Diving

7. Tennis

8. Track & Field

9. Volleyball

Though it's a Division III school, athletes at SUNY Fredonia have a great opportunity to be part of a close-knit community and to balance sports with academics. Student-athletes generally have a positive experience, as they're able to participate in competitive sports while also focusing on their studies and other extracurricular interests. One unique aspect of their athletic programs is the strong support from faculty, staff, and fellow students.

If you're interested in a particular sport, I'd recommend reaching out to the specific coach for more information on how to get involved. You can find their contact information on the SUNY Fredonia Athletics website. Additionally, consider attending some games or events if you're able to visit the campus to get a feel for the atmosphere and see the facilities first-hand.

Overall, SUNY Fredonia provides a good environment for student-athletes who are looking to stay competitive in their chosen sports while also prioritizing their academic and extracurricular interests. Good luck with your application, and I hope you find the right fit for you!

10 months ago

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