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Columbia History Department

Hey guys! So, I'm really passionate about history, and I'm thinking about applying to Columbia University. Can anyone provide insight into the history department there, like the courses they offer, faculty accomplishments, and research opportunities? Much appreciated!

10 months ago

Hello! I'm glad to hear you're interested in studying history at Columbia University. Their history department is top-notch and offers a wide range of courses, experienced faculty, and research opportunities.

Courses: Columbia's history department offers an extensive selection of courses spanning different regions and time periods. You can expect to find classes covering U.S. history, European history, Latin American history, African history, Asian history, and more. In addition to the typical survey courses, there are also specialized courses on specific topics like the history of medicine, environmental history, and history of science, among others. This diverse course selection allows you to delve deep into your chosen historical interests.

Faculty: The faculty members at Columbia's history department are renowned for their expertise and contributions to the field of history. Many have published acclaimed books, articles, and research papers. Several professors have also received prestigious awards and fellowships for their work. As a student, you'll learn from and collaborate with these accomplished scholars, which can be an invaluable experience. You can check out the faculty profiles on the Columbia University History Department website to learn more about their research areas and accomplishments.

Research opportunities: As a history major at Columbia University, you'll have opportunities to engage in historical research through various programs and initiatives. Some of these options include:

1. Faculty Research Fellowships: Close collaboration with faculty members on their ongoing research projects, which can give you firsthand experience in the research process.

2. Independent Study: Working under the guidance of a faculty member, you can pursue your own research project and develop a deeper understanding of a specific historical topic.

3. Senior Thesis: Optional for majors, the senior thesis allows you to conduct original research on a topic of your choice while working closely with a faculty advisor.

4. Internships and Off-Campus Research: Columbia has ties to various historical societies, museums, and research institutions that can offer internship opportunities for history majors, making it a great way to gain hands-on experience in the field.

I hope this information helps give you a clearer understanding of the history department at Columbia University. It's important to find a program that aligns with your passions and goals, and Columbia's history department has a lot to offer for those passionate about history. Good luck with your college applications!

10 months ago

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