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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the deferred acceptance rate at the University of Chicago?

Hi there! I recently applied to the University of Chicago and got deferred. I'm just curious, does anyone know the acceptance rate for deferred applicants? Trying to get a sense of my chances.

10 months ago

The University of Chicago doesn't publicly release specific acceptance rates for deferred applicants. However, it's worth noting that being deferred isn't the end of the road for your application, and your chances of getting accepted in the regular decision pool are not negligible.

To maximize your chances of being admitted after getting deferred, consider expressing your continued interest in the University of Chicago by sending a thoughtful update letter. In this letter, mention any academic, extracurricular or personal accomplishments or developments that have occurred since you submitted your application, and reiterate your enthusiasm for the university and its programs.

Keep in mind that the regular decision pool at UChicago is highly competitive, with an acceptance rate typically hovering around 6-7%. Continue working on strong applications for other schools on your list and be prepared for various outcomes. Good luck, and stay positive!

10 months ago

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