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Theater at Harvard

I'm interested in applying to Harvard and I really love theater. Can someone tell me about the theater opportunities (both academic and extracurricular) available at Harvard? I'd appreciate any insight into the program or the theater community on campus!

10 months ago

The theater scene at Harvard is quite vibrant, offering both academic and extracurricular opportunities for students passionate about theater.

Academically, Harvard offers a Theater, Dance, and Media (TDM) concentration. This interdisciplinary program provides a strong foundation in theater studies, covering various aspects such as playwriting, directing, acting, design, and dramaturgy. The concentration also explores dance, film, and media, so you can expect a comprehensive education in the performing arts. Along with coursework, students have the chance to engage in hands-on projects, develop their creative skills, and gain practical experience through internships and other opportunities.

Extracurricular theater opportunities at Harvard are numerous and diverse. There are more than a dozen theater groups on campus, each with its unique focus and style. A few notable examples include:

1. The Harvard-Radcliffe Dramatic Club (HRDC): A large umbrella organization that oversees all student theater productions on campus. It works closely with the faculty of the TDM concentration and produces several mainstage shows throughout the year in the Loeb Drama Center.

2. Hasty Pudding Theatricals: Known for its annual burlesque musicals, Hasty Pudding is one of the oldest collegiate theater organizations in the US. Joined by many talented students, the group is famous not only for its performances but also for its annual Man and Woman of the Year Awards that honor prominent figures in the entertainment industry.

3. The Harvard Black Community and Student Theater (BlackC.A.S.T.): This organization focuses on creating theater that explores, celebrates, and showcases the Black experience across the African diaspora. The group collaborates with other campus organizations to bring more diverse and inclusive theater to Harvard.

These are just a few examples; there are more like the Harvard-Radcliffe Gilbert and Sullivan Players, the Harvard Opportunes (an a cappella group), and the Immediate Gratification Players (improv comedy), among others.

As a student interested in theater, you will have ample opportunities to get involved both on stage and behind the scenes. You can audition for productions, work on design elements, or even direct your own shows. The theater community at Harvard is quite welcoming and inclusive, allowing you to collaborate with others who share your passion and together, work on bringing your artistic visions to life.

10 months ago

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