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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Anyone taken a Florida State virtual tour?

I'm considering FSU but I can't visit the campus in person. Has anyone taken their virtual tour? If so, can you give me some feedback on what it's like and if it gives a good sense of the campus atmosphere?

10 months ago

I haven't taken the FSU virtual tour personally, but I've heard from others who have. By and large, they've said it's a pretty useful and immersive experience. You can expect a comprehensive virtual walkthrough of the campus, highlighting important buildings, facilities, and landmarks while providing information on FSU's academics, student life, and history.

However, it's important to keep in mind that a virtual tour can't completely replicate the feeling of being physically on campus. Although the FSU virtual tour can give you a general sense of the campus layout, architecture, and environment, it might not fully capture the vibe and atmosphere that you'd experience during an in-person visit. You might want to supplement your virtual tour experience by reaching out to current FSU students or alumni, checking out campus life videos on YouTube, or attending any virtual events the university might host.

In summary, while the FSU virtual tour can give you a good idea of the campus and its facilities, consider complementing it with other resources to get a better feel for the overall atmosphere and culture at the university. Good luck, and I hope this helps you make your decision!

10 months ago

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