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What are the best ways to prepare for AP exams?

Hi guys! I'm a junior, and I'll be taking a few AP exams this year. I'm a little stressed about how to study effectively and make sure I'm prepared for the exams. What are some study tips or resources you've found helpful for AP exam preparation? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hey there! I totally understand the stress that comes with preparing for AP exams, but don't worry! There are plenty of great resources and strategies out there to help you succeed. Here are a few tips that my child found helpful when they were in your shoes:

1. Create a study schedule: Break down each subject into smaller topics and allocate time to study each topic. Stick to this schedule and adjust as needed.

2. Use AP review books: These are a great resource for understanding the format of the exam, practicing sample questions, and reviewing essential content. Popular ones include Barron's, The Princeton Review, and 5 Steps to a 5.

3. Access free online resources: Websites like Khan Academy,, and College Board's AP Classroom offer lots of practice questions and video lessons.

4. Practice, practice, practice: Use past AP exams to practice under timed conditions. This will help you get familiar with the format and manage your time effectively.

5. Seek help from teachers and classmates: Don't hesitate to ask for clarification or organize study groups.

Good luck with your AP exams! You've got this!

a year ago

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