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Thoughts on UNCC accounting program?

Hey guys, I'm a junior in high school and I'm seriously considering accounting as my major. I've been looking at UNC Charlotte and I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on their accounting program. How is it, and is it worth considering over other schools?

10 months ago

UNC Charlotte has a solid accounting program within the Belk College of Business. Their program offers a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, which focuses on providing students with foundational knowledge in the field to ensure that they're well-prepared for careers in public accounting, corporate accounting, and government accounting, among others. Additionally, students have the option to pursue a Master of Accountancy if they want to further specialize after their undergraduate studies.

One major advantage of UNCC's accounting program is that it is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), which ensures that the curriculum meets rigorous academic standards. This accreditation means your UNCC diploma will carry weight with potential future employers.

UNC Charlotte also boasts strong connections to the local Charlotte business community, which can provide valuable networking and internship opportunities for its students. Obtaining internships and gaining practical experience in the field can make a significant difference when seeking job opportunities after graduation. Additionally, Charlotte is a rapidly growing city, so you should have opportunities to apply your accounting studies to a range of different industries.

In summary, UNC Charlotte's accounting program is worth considering due to its AACSB accreditation, strong curriculum, and connections to the local business community. Good luck in your search!

10 months ago

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