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SAT: 720 math
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U of M Demographics

Hey guys, I've been looking into University of Michigan. What's the student population like in terms of diversity (race, ethnicity, and backgrounds)? Also, how would you describe the overall atmosphere on campus?

10 months ago

The University of Michigan has worked over the years to increase diversity on its campus, so the demographics are constantly evolving. However, as of the latest data available, around 61% of U of M's undergraduate students are White, 12% are Asian, 7% are African-American, 6% are Hispanic, and the remaining percentage is comprised of individuals with other backgrounds, including multiethnic, Native American, and Pacific Islander students.

These figures, of course, don't capture everything about student backgrounds. The U of M student body comes from various socioeconomic backgrounds, religious affiliations, and other aspects of diversity. The university is also known to have a strong international student presence, which creates a global atmosphere in Ann Arbor.

In terms of the overall campus atmosphere, U of M is recognized for its academic excellence, with students who are dedicated to their studies while also engaging in extracurricular activities and social events. The university has a vibrant campus life, and offers a vast array of clubs, organizations, and activities for students to become involved in.

Additionally, the campus is known for its sports culture, with a strong emphasis on school spirit thanks to the Wolverines' Division I athletics. A range of teams have experienced high levels of success, most notably the football team, which has the most wins of any program in the country and just won the 2024 national championship. Their rivalry with Ohio State University in particular is the stuff of legend.

While U of M is generally known to be inclusive and friendly, at any college, individual experiences can vary depending on one's background and personal perspective. Connecting with current students and/or visiting the campus yourself can give you a better sense of how you'd fit into the campus community, but overall you can feel confident you'd find your niche.

If you do end up applying to the University of Michigan and are looking for tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which contains tips on how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays: After all, U of M is one of the most selective public institutions in the country, and the essays are often just the thing that distinguish one talented applicant from another. Best of luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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