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Which Colleges Have Strong D3 Lacrosse Programs?

Hi all! I'm a junior and lacrosse is a big part of my life. I'm not sure if I'll be able to play at a D1 level, so I'm looking into D3 schools with strong lacrosse programs. Any suggestions on where I should start my search?

10 months ago

Hi! It's fantastic that you have a passion for lacrosse, and exploring Division III schools is a great choice to balance both academics and athletics. There are numerous reputable Division III schools with strong lacrosse programs. Here are some standout institutions known for their excellent athletic programs and academic excellence:

1. Salisbury University (Maryland): Salisbury has an outstanding men's lacrosse team, having won multiple NCAA Division III Championships and regularly making it to the postseason.

2. Tufts University (Massachusetts): Both the Tufts men's and women's lacrosse programs have enjoyed recent success, winning multiple NCAA Division III Championships.

3. Gettysburg College (Pennsylvania): Gettysburg has strong lacrosse programs for both men and women, with their teams consistently ranking high in their conference and making deep runs in the NCAA post-season play.

4. Middlebury College (Vermont): The Middlebury men's and women's lacrosse programs have had lots of success, with multiple NCAA Division III Championships and regular appearances in the postseason.

5. Franklin & Marshall College (Pennsylvania): This liberal arts college is home to competitive men's and women's lacrosse teams, consistently being nationally ranked and excelling within their conference.

6. York College (Pennsylvania): Both the men's and women's lacrosse programs have achieved success on a regional and national level, regularly competing in the NCAA postseason play.

7. Amherst College (Massachusetts): Amherst has strong men's and women's lacrosse programs, consistently ranking high in their conference and competing well in NCAA postseason play.

10 months ago

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