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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Kentucky University Location Inquiry

Hey everyone! I've been looking at different colleges, and Kentucky University piqued my interest. Does anyone know specifically where it's located in Kentucky?

3 months ago

Kentucky University might be a bit of a misnomer, as there isn't a university by that exact name. However, two major universities in Kentucky are the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville.

The University of Kentucky (UK) is located in Lexington, which is in the heart of the Bluegrass Region. Lexington is known for its picturesque horse farms and booming bourbon industry. UK offers a wide range of academic programs and has a vibrant campus life.

The University of Louisville (UofL) is situated in Louisville, a larger city with a rich history and cultural attractions like the Kentucky Derby and the Muhammad Ali Center. UofL also has a strong academic reputation and various programs for students to choose from.

If you meant one of these institutions or another school in Kentucky, let me know, and I'll be happy to provide more information!

3 months ago

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