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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some tips for writing a strong college essay?

Hi all, I'm a junior and I've started brainstorming ideas for my college essays. I want to make sure I write something that stands out and showcases my personality. Can anyone share some tips for writing a strong essay? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're starting to think about your college essays early. My child went through this process not too long ago, and I picked up some tips along the way. The most important thing is to choose a topic that's personal and meaningful to you. Don't worry too much about what you think admissions officers want to hear. They read thousands of essays, and they can usually tell when a student is trying too hard to impress them. Instead, focus on what makes you unique and show your authentic self. You can also use storytelling to make your essay more engaging and memorable. Start with an interesting anecdote or a specific moment in your life that illustrates the point you're trying to make. This will help you grab the reader's attention right away. Another tip is to keep your essay concise and well-organized. You don't have a lot of words to work with, so make sure every sentence counts. Finally, don't forget to proofread and revise your essay multiple times. It's amazing how much improvement can be made with just a few rounds of editing. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll do great!

a year ago

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