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University of Colorado Boulder Sociology Program?

So I've been researching the sociology program at the University of Colorado Boulder and I think it might be a good fit for me. Can anyone here vouch for the program's quality? What's the academic experience like, and how were the internship opportunities? Any thoughts on this would be super helpful!

10 months ago

While I can't speak from personal experience, I've heard great things about the sociology program at the University of Colorado Boulder! The program has a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of sociology, from social inequality to global studies. They also offer a range of interesting elective courses that allow you to explore niche topics within the field.

Many students have praised the quality of the faculty in the program, noting that the professors are highly knowledgeable and truly care about their students' success. Small class sizes, especially in upper-level courses, provide students with the opportunity to engage in class discussions and build strong relationships with their peers and professors.

Regarding internship opportunities, CU Boulder's location can be advantageous for sociology students. The city of Boulder and the nearby Denver metropolitan area offer numerous opportunities to intern with organizations focused on social justice, community development, policy research, and more. Additionally, the sociology department actively encourages internships through their dedicated internship coordinator, who connects students with relevant opportunities and supports them throughout the process.

Lastly, the university's career services center can be incredibly helpful when preparing to enter the job market or apply for graduate school. They offer resources like networking events, resume reviews, and job search assistance to help you land a position that aligns with your passions and goals within the field of sociology.

Best of luck in your college decision-making process, and I hope this insight helps you make an informed choice!

10 months ago

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