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University of Missouri at Columbia Ranking

Hi! I'm looking into the University of Missouri at Columbia, but I'm not sure about its overall ranking and reputation. Does anyone have information on how it ranks compared to other universities, especially in terms of academics?

10 months ago

The University of Missouri at Columbia (Mizzou) is a reputable public research university. However, it's important to remember that rankings can vary depending on the source and criteria used. In terms of national rankings, Mizzou usually falls within the top 150 universities in the US. According to the 2022 edition of the U.S. News & World Report's Best Colleges, Mizzou is ranked #131 overall among National Universities.

It's worth noting that rankings don't always provide a comprehensive picture of a university's value, especially when it comes to finding the right fit for your individual needs and goals. What may be more important for you is the strength of the specific programs and majors you're interested in pursuing. For example, Mizzou is well-regarded for its journalism program, offered through the highly-respected Missouri School of Journalism. It also has strong programs in business, engineering, and agriculture.

Another factor to take into consideration is the school's campus life, resources for students, and other aspects of the college experience that may be of interest to you, such as extracurricular activities, research opportunities, and academic support services.

In summary, while the University of Missouri at Columbia may not rank among the top-tier universities, it is a solid institution with some strong programs. It's essential to research further and evaluate whether Mizzou's specific offerings align with your academic and personal goals.

10 months ago

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