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Campus Life at University of New England

Hi all! I'm looking into the University of New England as a potential college choice, but I'm not sure what life is like on campus. Can someone provide a brief overview of the social scene, housing, and what makes the university unique in terms of campus life? Thanks a lot!

10 months ago

Hello! The University of New England (UNE) has a lot to offer in terms of campus life. I'll provide you with a concise overview of the social scene, housing, and some unique aspects of the university.

Social Scene: UNE has a vibrant and welcoming social scene with options for many interests. With over 90 student-run clubs and organizations, you're bound to find an activity or group that suits your preferences. These organizations range from academic and professional clubs to special interest groups, sports clubs, and cultural organizations. Apart from clubs, UNE also hosts a variety of events throughout the year, like concerts, guest lectures, and community service initiatives, providing ample opportunity to socialize and meet new people.

Housing: UNE offers on-campus housing for undergraduate students, with various living arrangements to choose from, including traditional residence halls, suite-style living, and apartment-style living. First-year students typically live in traditional residence halls with shared double rooms, while upperclassmen have additional options such as suite-style or apartment-style living spaces. Most residence halls have a live-in Resident Assistant (RA) who helps foster a sense of community and support within the hall.

Unique Aspects: One of UNE's unique aspects is its stunning coastal location, with campuses in Biddeford and Portland, Maine. These picturesque settings offer access to beaches, estuaries, and rocky coastlines, which not only provide breathtaking views but also support various outdoor recreational activities. UNE has a strong commitment to sustainability, offering a campus-wide recycling program and various sustainability initiatives. Additionally, UNE embraces experiential learning; students have access to hands-on experiences, internships, research opportunities, and global education options, which all contribute to making campus life more dynamic and fulfilling.

Of course, the best way to get a feel for campus life at the University of New England is to visit in-person or attend a virtual tour. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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