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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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University of Kentucky Undergrad Enrollment

Hey guys! Can anyone tell me what the typical undergraduate enrollment is like at the University of Kentucky? I just want to get a sense of what the campus life and class sizes might be like there.

10 months ago

Hey! The University of Kentucky has an undergraduate enrollment of around 22,000 students. With a campus size of about 814 acres, it offers a blend of both an urban and a suburban atmosphere. Class sizes can vary depending on the course and the year you're in. For introductory or general education requirement courses, you might find larger class sizes with a couple of hundred students, whereas upper-level or major-specific courses tend to have smaller class sizes ranging from 20-40 students.

Keep in mind that the university also offers various resources such as tutoring and academic support services to help students succeed in their courses. Moreover, campus life at the University of Kentucky is quite vibrant, with numerous student organizations, athletics, and cultural events that cater to a wide range of interests. So, you'll definitely have opportunities to engage with the campus community and make connections with fellow students!

10 months ago

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