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Visiting University of Denver - Any Tips?

I'm planning to visit the University of Denver soon and wanted some advice on what I should check out while I'm there. What are the must-see places on campus and nearby? Also, any recommendations for meeting students and getting a feel for the campus culture? Thanks a bunch!

10 months ago

It's fantastic that you're visiting the University of Denver! Here are some tips for the must-see spots on campus and activities to get a feel for the campus culture:

On-campus spots:

1. Ritchie Center: This is the main athletic and recreation facility on campus, housing various sports facilities, gyms, and a pool. It's a great place to check out the recreational facilities available to students.

2. Anderson Academic Commons: This is the main library and hub for academic resources, research assistance, and study spaces. Make sure to take a look at the different floors and study areas to see if they suit your study preferences.

3. Driscoll Student Center: This serves as the social hub on campus, hosting various events and providing spaces for student organizations. You can grab a meal at one of the dining locations and check out the center's study areas.

4. Josef Korbel School of International Studies: If you're interested in international relations or political science, don't miss this esteemed program's building and resources.

Nearby attractions:

1. Observatory Park: This beautiful park is near the campus and offers green space to unwind and relax. The historic Chamberlin Observatory is located here, and they sometimes host public astronomy events.

2. Downtown Denver: It's just a short drive or light rail ride away and has various attractions, restaurants, and cultural events. Consider exploring the 16th Street Mall or checking out the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

Meeting students and getting a feel for campus culture:

1. Attend a campus tour: This will give you a chance to interact with a current student and ask questions about their experiences on campus.

2. Sit in on a class: Contact the admissions office to inquire about the possibility of sitting in on a class that interests you. It's a great way to see what academic life is like for students.

3. Go to an event: Look at the university's event calendar or social media to see if there are any public talks, performances, or athletic games during your visit. Attending events can help you connect with students and get a feel for the campus vibe.

4. Hang out in common areas: Spend some time in areas like the Driscoll Student Center or Anderson Academic Commons to observe student interactions and get a sense of the campus atmosphere.

Enjoy your visit, and don't be shy about asking students questions about their experiences at DU! Most students are happy to chat and share their insights. Have a great trip!

10 months ago

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