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University of Minnesota Morris Athletics

Hi everyone, I might apply to the University of Minnesota Morris, and I'm curious about their athletics program. Can anyone share what sports they have and how competitive their teams are? Are there any intramural sports too?

10 months ago

Hey! Good question about the University of Minnesota Morris (UMM) athletics program.

UMM competes in the NCAA Division III and is a member of the Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC). They offer 19 varsity sports, which include:

Men's sports:

- Baseball

- Basketball

- Cross Country

- Football

- Golf

- Soccer

- Tennis

- Track and Field

Women's sports:

- Basketball

- Cross Country

- Golf

- Soccer

- Softball

- Tennis

- Track and Field

- Volleyball

In terms of competitiveness, the level of play at UMM is generally strong, especially within the UMAC; however, it varies from sport to sport. NCAA Division III schools like UMM don't offer athletic scholarships, so athletes often join teams mainly for their passion, and the focus is on balancing academics and athletics.

As for intramural sports, UMM has an active intramural sports program with a range of options. You can participate in various activities like basketball, volleyball, soccer, and more. Intramural sports are a great way to stay active, have fun, and make new friends, regardless of your skill level.

I hope this information helps you better understand the athletics program at the University of Minnesota Morris! Good luck with your application process.

10 months ago

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