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Notable alumni from University of Northwestern Ohio

Hello! I'm considering applying to the University of Northwestern Ohio, and I'm curious about any notable alumni or success stories that have come from the school. Anyone knows of any graduates who have made a name for themselves, or have interesting stories to share?

10 months ago

Hello! University of Northwestern Ohio (UNOH) may not be as well-known as other institutions, but it does have several alumni who have found success in their respective fields. The school is especially known for its strong automotive, motorsports, and business programs, so many of its successful alumni come from those areas.

1. Shawn Langdon: Shawn is a professional drag racer who has competed and won multiple national championships. He studied at UNOH and attributes part of his success to the education and hands-on experience he received while studying motorsports at the university.

2. Richard Kreitz: Richard is the owner, founder, and CEO of Kreitz Oval Track Parts, a leading supplier of racing parts and equipment. He is an alumnus of UNOH's High-Performance Motorsports program, and his company is now well-regarded within the racing community.

3. Mike Lingerfelt: A graduate of UNOH's automotive and high-performance program, Mike has had a successful career as a tire changer for several top NASCAR teams, including Joe Gibbs Racing, Roush Fenway Racing, and Furniture Row Racing.

4. Jeffrey Thistlethwaite: Jeffrey is a serial entrepreneur who graduated from UNOH's College of Business. He has founded and grown multiple businesses, including J.W. Thistlethwaite Enterprises, a global performance parts distributing company.

These examples show that UNOH alumni have made their marks in various industries related to the specific programs offered by the university. Keep in mind that success can take different forms, so the accomplishments of these notable alumni may not represent every UNOH graduate's experience. That said, their achievements do demonstrate the potential for success after graduating from the University of Northwestern Ohio.

10 months ago

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