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University of Pittsburgh Department of English

I'm really into English literature and I'm considering majoring in English at the University of Pittsburgh. Can someone tell me about the quality of the English department there? Any specific strengths or areas for improvement?

10 months ago

The University of Pittsburgh has a strong English department that offers a versatile and well-rounded curriculum for students interested in majoring in English. With a focus on both literature and writing, the department allows you to engage in a wide variety of courses that will help you build a solid foundation in English studies.

One of the specific strengths of the English department at the University of Pittsburgh is its emphasis on research. The department has faculty with diverse research interests, ranging from British and American literature to world literature and interdisciplinary approaches. Their expertise covers various periods, from medieval literature to contemporary writings, as well as different literary genres like poetry, drama, and prose. This wide array of interests among faculty can provide you with many opportunities to deepen your understanding of English literature and explore different areas of study.

Another strength is the Writing Program, which offers a range of writing courses that cater to different interests and skill levels. You'll find courses related to creative writing, nonfiction writing, and even professional writing, allowing you to develop both your analytical and creative writing skills. Additionally, there's the Writing Center which provides support and resources to students looking to enhance their writing abilities.

As for areas of improvement, some students have mentioned that the class sizes can sometimes be large, particularly for introductory courses, which may somewhat limit individualized attention and opportunities for in-depth discussions. However, as you progress in your studies, you should have access to smaller, more intimate seminars that offer closer interaction with faculty and fellow students.

Overall, the University of Pittsburgh's English department is well-regarded for its comprehensive curriculum, strong focus on research, and its writing program. While some class sizes may begin larger, the quality of education provided is generally high, offering a robust academic experience in English literature and writing.

10 months ago

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