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Architecture Schools in Washington?

Hey, I'm a junior who's exploring different colleges for majoring in architecture. Are there any good architecture schools or programs in Washington state that you'd recommend? Thanks for your help!

10 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're considering studying architecture. Washington state has a couple of excellent options for studying architecture at the undergraduate level. Here are two well-regarded schools with strong architecture programs:

1. University of Washington (UW) - Located in Seattle, the University of Washington's College of Built Environments offers a Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Design (BA). This program provides a firm foundation in architectural design, history, and theory, and equips you to work in architecture-related fields or prepare for further study in a Master of Architecture (M.Arch) program.

2. Washington State University (WSU) - In Pullman, the School of Design and Construction at Washington State University offers a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies (BS). This program emphasizes sustainable design, integrated technology, and design-build approaches. Like UW's program, it prepares you well for further study in an M.Arch program or to work in related fields.

While choosing a school, it's essential to also consider factors like campus culture, financial aid, and whether the program's specific focus aligns with your interests. I would recommend attending college open houses, talking to current students or alumni, and thoroughly researching the curriculum and faculty to help you make the best decision for yourself, personally as well as academically.

Good luck with your college search and your future studies in architecture!

10 months ago

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