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Augustana University Sioux Falls Athletics

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in Augustana University in Sioux Falls and I've heard they have a solid athletics program. Can anyone share more about their sports teams and the overall athletic culture on campus?

10 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to provide some information on Augustana University's athletics program! The school competes in NCAA Division II and is a member of the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference (NSIC). Augustana offers a total of 19 varsity sports with nine men's sports and ten women's sports available. Some popular sports include football, basketball, baseball/softball, soccer, and track & field.

Augustana is known for having a very competitive athletics program, with several teams ranking well in their conference and nationally. Their teams have seen success in recent years, such as the women's basketball team winning the NCAA DII National Championship in 2016 and the baseball team capturing the NCAA Division II title in 2018. Additionally, Augustana athletes frequently receive All-American and All-Conference honors, showcasing the talent at the school.

As for the athletic culture, many students report that it is a significant part of campus life. Students often attend games and events to support their fellow classmates and enjoy the overall camaraderie during these events. Augustana also places a strong emphasis on academics, encouraging a well-rounded experience for student-athletes by focusing on both athletic and academic achievements.

If you decide to join a sports team at Augustana, you can expect a supportive community of athletes, coaches, and staff who help in building strong team bonds and maintaining a healthy balance between athletics and academics. Overall, Augustana's sports teams and athletic culture contribute to a vibrant and dynamic campus life!

10 months ago

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