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Best undergraduate physical therapy programs?

Hey guys! As a high school junior, I've become increasingly interested in studying physical therapy. What are some of the best colleges for physical therapy undergraduate programs? I want to find a school with an excellent program to get a strong foundation. Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hello! It's exciting to hear that you're considering a career in physical therapy. While most physical therapy programs are at the graduate level (Doctor of Physical Therapy or DPT), there are plenty of colleges that have strong undergraduate programs in exercise science, kinesiology, or biology, which can provide you with a solid foundation and prepare you for pursuing a DPT after your bachelor's degree.

Here are some schools with notable undergraduate programs in these areas:

1. University of Michigan – Ann Arbor: Kinesiology program

2. University of Florida – Gainesville: Applied Physiology and Kinesiology

3. University of Wisconsin – Madison: Kinesiology program

4. Penn State University – University Park: Kinesiology program

5. University of Maryland – College Park: Kinesiology program

Many universities also have direct-entry or 3+3 programs, where you can complete your bachelor's degree and DPT in six years instead of the traditional seven. Some of these programs include:

1. Boston University: 6-year DPT program (requires a bachelor's degree in a related field such as health science, exercise science, or biology)

2. Northeastern University: 6-year DPT program (combined BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy)

3. Ithaca College: 6-year DPT program (combined BS/Doctor of Physical Therapy)

Keep in mind that the most important factor is finding a school that is the right fit for you in terms of academics, campus life, and location. Research each school to determine if their program aligns with your personal and academic interests, and ensure you're getting hands-on experience with internships or research opportunities. This will better prepare you for your graduate studies in physical therapy.

Best of luck in your college search and future studies in physical therapy!

10 months ago

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