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Opinions on Arizona State's philosophy program?

I'm considering majoring in philosophy, and Arizona State has caught my eye. What's the general reputation of their philosophy department? Are the professors engaging, and do they offer a wide range of courses? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

10 months ago

Arizona State University (ASU) has a solid philosophy program with a good reputation. The School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies houses the philosophy department, giving you the opportunity to explore interdisciplinary connections between these fields. Their curriculum is designed to provide a foundation in various branches of philosophy, including ethics, metaphysics, logic, epistemology, political philosophy, and the history of philosophy.

The department at ASU offers a wide range of courses covering a variety of philosophical topics. Some notable options include political philosophy, moral philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and environmental ethics. Additionally, ASU encourages undergraduate philosophy majors to take advantage of unique opportunities to participate in research and attend guest lectures. This exposure to various philosophical areas and, more generally, the academic community can be invaluable when deciding on areas of specialization or potential postgraduate study.

In terms of faculty, ASU's philosophy department benefits from a diverse group of professors, many of whom have established themselves as experts in their respective fields. Students often report engaging and intellectually challenging classes where professors promote active discussion and critical thinking. Professors are usually accessible and open to providing support, ensuring students have ample opportunities to learn and grow.

Bear in mind that individual experiences can vary, so it's a good idea to visit the campus (if possible), attend classes, and meet with current students or professors to get a first-hand understanding of the program and whether it aligns with your goals. It's also worth exploring other factors such as campus life, student organizations, and support services, as these play an essential role in your overall college experience.

Overall, ASU's philosophy department has a solid reputation, offering a varied range of courses and a strong faculty that could be an excellent fit for your academic aspirations. Don't hesitate to reach out to the department for more information or to schedule a visit if you're considering ASU for your philosophy major.

10 months ago

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