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Coppin State University Ranking?

I was browsing college options and I came across Coppin State University. Can anyone provide some information about the school's ranking and reputation? I want to make sure it'll be a good choice for my future studies.

10 months ago

Coppin State University is a public, historically black university located in Baltimore, Maryland. While rankings can be a useful tool to compare university standings, it's essential to remember that they might not capture the full picture of a college's strengths and offerings.

In the U.S. News & World Report rankings, CSU is ranked #151-#167 in Regional Universities North and #31 in HBCUs. These rankings assess criteria such as graduation rates, faculty resources, peer assessment, and financial resources.

Coppin State University offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs from its College of Arts & Sciences, College of Behavioral & Social Sciences, College of Business, and College of Health Professions. The university emphasizes community service and research, fostering a supportive learning environment for its diverse student body. It has a relatively small student-to-faculty ratio of 14:1, which could be a potential advantage if you're looking to have closer relationships with your professors and classmates.

While rankings can give you a general idea of a university's reputation, consider factors like campus location, faculty, available majors, student life, and financial aid when determining if a college is the right fit for you. Visiting the campus, if possible, or speaking with current students and alumni can also help paint a clearer picture of the college experience at Coppin State University.

10 months ago

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