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Top volleyball colleges?

Hey, I'm really into volleyball and would love to play at the college level. What are some of the best schools for volleyball (competitive and academic) in the U.S.?

10 months ago

There are a number of higher education institutions in the U.S. that are both academically strong and competitive in volleyball. It's important to note that you can find great volleyball programs across all divisions: NCAA Division I, II, and III. Here's a list of some top volleyball colleges, but keep in mind that it's not exhaustive:

1. Stanford University (Division I) — With nine national championships under its belt, the most of any program in the country, Stanford is considered one of the best volleyball programs in the country. Additionally, the University is consistently ranked as one of the top academic institutions in the U.S.

2. University of Nebraska (Division I) — Another strong Division I program, the University of Nebraska is known for its stellar women's volleyball team, which consistently performs well in the Big Ten Conference and nationally.

3. Penn State University (Division I) — Penn State is another powerhouse in women's volleyball, having won multiple national championships. Moreover, it offers a range of strong academic programs.

4. University of Texas at Austin (Division I) — UT Austin boasts an impressive volleyball team that frequently ranks high in the NCAA rankings. The school is also well-regarded for its academics and research opportunities.

5. Washington University in St. Louis (Division III) — Though not a Division I program, WashU still has a strong volleyball team with several conference championships. Academically, the University is renowned for its excellent programs and research opportunities.

6. Calvin University (Division III) — Calvin is another strong Division III school with a competitive volleyball program, consistently ranking at the top of the NCAA Division III. Academically, Calvin is known for its liberal arts education and strong programs in various disciplines.

I'd recommend doing more research to find schools that would fit your interests both athletically and academically. You can start by looking at rankings from sources like the AVCA (American Volleyball Coaches Association) and NCAA, as well as researching each school's athletics and academics in-depth.

Keep in mind that coaches may start reaching out to high school athletes during their junior year or even earlier, so make sure to create a list of target schools and begin reaching out to coaches yourself. Additionally, consider attending volleyball camps or clinics to gain more exposure to college coaches and evaluate your skill level against others who may also be interested in playing college volleyball. Good luck!

10 months ago

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