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West Liberty University Football Program

Hi all! I'm hoping someone has information on the West Liberty University football program. What division do they play in, and how competitive is their team? Any insights would be appreciated!

10 months ago

Hello! West Liberty University's football team competes in the NCAA Division II as a part of the Mountain East Conference. While I cannot provide exact win-loss records off the top of my head, in recent years, their performance has generally been around average compared to other teams in their conference.

To learn more about the football program, you can check out their website for recent news and updates, as well as their stats and standings in the Mountain East Conference. If you're interested in potentially joining the team, it's a great idea to reach out to their coaching staff for information about recruitment and what they're looking for in their student-athletes.

I hope this information is helpful, and best of luck with your potential involvement in the West Liberty University football program!

10 months ago

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