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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the student demographic like at Amherst College?

Hey guys, I'm considering Amherst College but I'm curious about the campus culture and diversity. Could anyone familiar with Amherst tell me about the student demographic there and what the environment is like? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Amherst College is known for its diverse student body and commitment to creating an inclusive environment. According to their website, the class of 2026 is composed of 48% students of color with the racial and ethnic breakdown being, roughly, as follows: 14% Asian, 11% Black or African American, 16% Hispanic/Latino, Bi-Racial or Multi-Racial, 7.5%, 11% international students, and 40.5% white. In terms of socioeconomic diversity, around 21% of students at Amherst receive Pell Grants.

Amherst is also known for its open curriculum, which encourages students to explore various fields of study and interact with people from different academic disciplines. This contributes to a collaborative and intellectually stimulating campus culture. Many students appreciate the small class sizes and close interaction with professors, which fosters a strong sense of community. Additionally, Amherst's commitment to promoting equity and inclusion has led to various programs and initiatives designed to support underrepresented communities.

However, that's just a general overview of the student demographic and environment at Amherst. To get a more holistic insight into the campus culture and specific clubs or activities that cater to your interests, I would recommend reaching out to current students or visiting the campus, if possible. Social media platforms and Amherst's website may also help you further explore the diversity and culture of the college. Good luck with your college search!

8 months ago

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