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How's the economics program at University of South Florida?

Hey, y'all! So I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the economics department at the University of South Florida. What kind of resources do they offer for students? Are there any specific courses or professors that stand out?

10 months ago

The economics program at the University of South Florida is fairly strong and offers a solid foundation in both theoretical and applied economics. It is housed within the College of Arts and Sciences and offers undergraduate degrees, including Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) tracks, as well as a Master of Arts (MA) program.

As an economics student at USF, you can expect to have access to various resources such as the Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA), which serves as a hub for research and hosts seminars, conferences, and workshops on pertinent economic topics. Additionally, the department has an active Economics Club, fostering engagement and networking opportunities for students interested in pursuing careers in the field.

Some standout professors include Dr. Kenneth Weiher, whose research interests include labor and public economics, and Dr. Maya Federman, who specializes in labor economics, economics of education, and economics of gender. Students have praised these professors for their engaging lectures and dedication to their students' success.

The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, allowing you to delve into areas such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, and economic growth and development. One notable course is "Health Economics" (ECO 4504), which offers a comprehensive look at the role of economics in healthcare systems, policy evaluation, and cost-effectiveness analysis. Another interesting course is "Economics of Crime" (ECO 4421), which uses economic theory to help understand crime and criminal decision-making.

Overall, the economics program at USF provides a solid foundation in the principles of economics, as well as opportunities to engage with research, practical applications, and networking within the field.

10 months ago

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