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What degrees does Voorhees University offer?

Hello, I recently came across Voorhees University and was curious about what kind of degrees they offer. Can anybody help me find a list or recommend some notable programs at this school? Thanks in advance.

10 months ago

Voorhees College, a historically black college located in South Carolina, offers a range of degree programs in various fields. Here's an overview of the undergraduate degree programs available at Voorhees:

1. Division of Business and Entrepreneurship:

- B.S. in Accounting

- B.S. in Business Administration (with concentration options in Marketing, Management, and Economics & Finance)

2. Division of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences:

- B.A. in Criminal Justice

- B.A. in Sociology

- B.A. in Mass Communication (with concentration options in Multimedia Journalism and Integrated Marketing Communication)

- B.A. in Psychology

- B.A. in Child Development

- B.A. in Religious Studies

- B.A. in English (with concentration options in Literature and Creative Writing)

- B.A. in Education (with concentration options in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education)

3. Division of Natural & Applied Sciences:

- B.S. in Biology

- B.S. in Computer Science

- B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies

- B.S. in Public Health

- B.S. in Chemistry

To find out more about their programs and the specific courses offered within each, you can visit the Voorhees College academic divisions' webpage:

Keep in mind that each program offers a unique curriculum and opportunities for internships, community engagement, and research. When considering any of these programs, it's important to review your interests, goals, and the career paths you might want to explore. If possible, reaching out to the admissions office or even current students or faculty can provide more detailed information on the various programs available at Voorhees University. Good luck!

10 months ago

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