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Environmental Studies at UCF - Pros and Cons?

Hi, I'm considering applying to UCF for their Environmental Studies program. Can any current or former students provide any pros and cons about the program and how it compares to other schools? I want to make an informed decision. Thanks!

10 months ago

I'm not a current UCF student, but I've done some research on the Environmental Studies program at UCF and can share what I found:


1. Interdisciplinary approach: UCF's Environmental Studies program emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach. This means you'll study a blend of natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, allowing you to gain a well-rounded understanding of environmental issues from multiple perspectives.

2. Research opportunities: UCF has several research centers, such as the National Center for Integrated Coastal Research and the Sustainable Coastal Systems research cluster. You'll find ample research opportunities that intersect with your interests within these centers.

3. Campus location: Located in Orlando, UCF is near a variety of natural habitats, including swamps, beaches, and forests. This gives you the opportunity to gain hands-on, practical experience in diverse ecosystems, vital for a career in environmental studies.


1. Not as prestigious as other programs: While UCF's Environmental Studies program is robust, it may not carry the same weight as programs at more prestigious institutions. If you're considering high-level graduate programs or employment in prestigious organizations, this might be a factor to consider.

2. Potentially large class sizes: UCF is a big university, which means some of your classes may have large lecture formats. This could make it challenging to forge relationships with professors and get individualized attention.

3. Limited financial aid: Though UCF's in-state tuition is relatively affordable, financial aid offerings might be more limited compared to private institutions or smaller public schools that have more funding or bigger endowments.

In terms of comparing it to other schools, it depends on the specific schools you're considering. Make sure to research the faculty, curriculum, research opportunities, and campus environment of each program so that you can make the best decision for yourself. In the end, choose a program that aligns with your career goals, interests, and desired learning experience. Good luck!

10 months ago

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