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Thoughts on Computer Science Program at Brooklyn College?

I'm narrowing down my college choices and noticed the Computer Science program at Brooklyn College. Anyone here who has experience or information about the program? I'm curious about the class quality, available resources, and how the program stacks up against other CS programs in the area.

10 months ago

I can offer some insights about the Computer Science program at Brooklyn College. The program is known for its strong foundation in computer science concepts and offers a solid curriculum covering areas such as programming, data structures, algorithms, and computer organization. The faculty has a mix of seasoned professionals and researchers, which provides students with access to industry knowledge and cutting-edge research opportunities.

In terms of resources, Brooklyn College has computer labs and research facilities that offer various software development tools, databases, and high-performance computing resources to support the learning experience. Additionally, the college partners with local tech companies and startups, which can lead to internships, job placements, and networking opportunities for students in the program.

Comparing it to other CS programs in the area, it's important to consider factors that matter most to you. For example, if you value small class sizes and a more personalized learning experience, Brooklyn College's CS program might be a better fit compared to larger, more renowned programs at institutions like NYU or Columbia. However, if prestige and connections to big tech companies are more important to you, the programs at the latter universities may provide more of what you're looking for.

To get a more comprehensive understanding, I recommend reaching out to current students and alumni to get their first-hand perspectives on the program. Additionally, checking out online forums and review sites can provide you with insights into the student experience. Ultimately, it's essential to visit the campus and attend open houses or information sessions to get a feel for the environment and learn more about the program in person.

10 months ago

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