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ASU Finance program ranking and overall impressions?

Hi all, I'm considering applying to Arizona State University for their finance program. Can anyone tell me how their finance program ranks and what the overall experience is like for students in the major?

10 months ago

Arizona State University (ASU) has a well-regarded finance program within the W.P. Carey School of Business. While exact rankings can fluctuate, ASU's undergraduate finance program is generally ranked within the top 50 nationally, which attests to the solid education and opportunities provided by the university. The W.P. Carey School of Business, in particular, consistently ranks among the top business schools in the nation.

Students in the finance major benefit from a comprehensive curriculum that includes a strong foundation in financial management, investment analysis, and corporate finance. ASU also offers opportunities for internships and networking through its Career Management Center, which can help students make connections and gain real-world experience in the finance industry. Some finance students pursue internships with well-known companies in the Phoenix area, such as J.P. Morgan, Vanguard, and Intel.

ASU is known for its large and diverse student body, offering a wide range of extracurricular activities and clubs. Finance students might be interested in joining finance-oriented clubs like the Financial Management Association (FMA) or the Investment Banking Industry Scholars (IBIS) program to deepen their knowledge and network with other students who share similar career aspirations. Additionally, the Tempe campus, where the W.P. Carey School of Business is located, offers vibrant social life with numerous events and recreational activities.

In summary, ASU has a solid finance program that can provide a competitive education and open doors for internships and networking. Furthermore, the larger university experience offers a mix of academic, social, and extracurricular opportunities that make for a well-rounded college experience. If finance is your intended major, ASU's program is worth considering. However, it's always a good idea to compare ASU with other universities you're interested in to ensure you're making the best choice for your goals and preferences.

10 months ago

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