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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do I need to take the SAT and ACT, or just one?

Hey guys! I'm starting to prepare for standardized testing, and I'm wondering if I should take both the SAT and ACT or just focus on one. What do you think is the best strategy, and how should I decide which test to take? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're starting to prepare for standardized testing. In general, colleges accept both the SAT and ACT, so it's not necessary to take both tests. However, some students choose to take both to see which one they perform better on. The tests are slightly different in format and style, so you might find that you prefer one over the other. I recommend taking a practice test for both the SAT and ACT to compare your results and see which one feels more comfortable for you. From there, you can decide which test to focus on and prepare accordingly. Keep in mind that preparing for both tests can be time-consuming, so it's usually best to choose one and dedicate your time to improving your score on that test. Good luck with your preparations, and I'm sure you'll do great whichever test you choose!

a year ago

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