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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Location of University of Massachusetts?

Hey there! Can someone please inform me about the location of the University of Massachusetts? I'm a bit confused as there are multiple campuses within Massachusetts. Thanks in advance for the clarification!

10 months ago

Hi! The University of Massachusetts (UMass) consists of four undergraduate campuses across the state, each with its own unique offerings and environment. Here's a brief breakdown of their locations:

1. UMass Amherst: The flagship campus, located in Amherst, Western Massachusetts. It's the largest and most academically comprehensive campus of the UMass system.

2. UMass Boston: Situated in the heart of Boston, this campus offers an urban setting and a diverse educational experience.

3. UMass Dartmouth: Located in North Dartmouth, Southern Massachusetts, this campus has a strong focus on research and community engagement.

4. UMass Lowell: Found in Lowell, Northeastern Massachusetts, this campus is known for its engineering, business, and health sciences programs.

Depending on your academic interests and desired campus atmosphere, you might consider choosing a campus that best aligns with your goals. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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