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Journalism Program at UT: Any Experiences?

Hi! I'm considering applying to the journalism program at the University of Texas. Can anyone share their experiences with this program? What opportunities are available for students, and is the program highly regarded?

10 months ago

Hello! The University of Texas at Austin's journalism program is reputable and offers a range of valuable experiences for its students. The school's Moody College of Communication houses the journalism program and facilitates access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources.

One of the program's strengths is its faculty, which includes experienced journalists and experts in various areas of journalism, such as investigative reporting, multimedia journalism, and broadcast journalism. They provide students with real-world insights and mentorship throughout their studies.

As for opportunities, the program offers numerous extracurricular activities to help students build their skills and gain experience within the field. The UT Austin campus has multiple student-run media organizations, such as The Daily Texan (print and online newspaper), Texas Student Television (broadcast station), and KVRX (radio station). Involvement in these organizations provides practical experience for journalism majors, including reporting, editing, and collaborating with peers.

In addition to on-campus opportunities, the journalism program encourages students to pursue internships at local, regional, and national news outlets to gain firsthand experience in the field. Austin, being the state capital, offers a variety of internship opportunities in politics, technology, and entertainment, which helps students build a diverse portfolio of work.

Moreover, students have the option of participating in semester-long study away programs in cities like Washington, D.C., where they can intern at reputable news organizations.

Overall, UT Austin's journalism program is worth considering, given the quality of the faculty, facilities, and experiential learning opportunities. The program's focus on both practical skills and theoretical knowledge prepares students for successful careers in various journalism and media fields.

10 months ago

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