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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where does Dominican University in Illinois rank?

Hey! I've been exploring colleges and Dominican University caught my eye. I'm not sure where it ranks compared to other similar colleges, any insight into the school's reputation and ranking would be great!

10 months ago

Hello! Dominican University is a private university located in River Forest, Illinois. It's important to note that rankings can vary between different sources, and sometimes they don't always give the full picture of a school's reputation and strengths. That being said, I can provide you with some general information on the University's ranking.

U.S. News & World Report ranks Dominican University #11 in Regional Universities Midwest for their 2024 edition. It's important to evaluate a college based on more than just its ranking, so take a look at its academic programs, campus life, and financial aid options, keeping in mind your personal preferences and fit.

Dominican University offers various undergraduate and graduate programs, including popular fields like business, psychology, and education. Some niche programs it's known for include library and information science, nutrition science, and social work. The small class sizes and student-to-faculty ratio (10:1) allow for personalized attention and a strong sense of community among students and faculty.

As you continue to research colleges, be sure to consider your own priorities and preferences alongside the rankings. A "good fit" school for you depends on what you value in a college experience. It's helpful to visit the campus (if you can), chat with current students, and explore the programs and opportunities offered at each institution. Good luck in your college search!

10 months ago

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