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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should I retake the SAT/ACT if I'm close to my target score?

Hello! I'm a junior, and I recently took the SAT/ACT. I got a decent score, but it's not quite as high as I was hoping for. Should I retake the test if I'm close to my target score, or should I focus on other aspects of my application? Thanks for any input!

a year ago

Hey there! Congrats on your SAT/ACT score, it's great that you've done well. I understand the dilemma you're facing since my child went through a similar situation. If you're really close to your target score, it might be worth considering a retake, especially if you think you can improve with some targeted preparation. However, keep in mind that colleges look at a holistic picture of applicants, so focusing on other aspects of your application can also be a good approach. If you have strong extracurricular activities, solid essays, and a good GPA, your test score may be less of a concern. You could also look at the average test scores for the colleges you're interested in to gauge how competitive your current score is. Ultimately, it depends on how confident you are in your ability to improve your score and how much time and effort you're willing to put in. If you decide to retake the test, make sure you balance your time and energy between test prep and other important aspects of your application. Good luck!

a year ago

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