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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Finding GSU location

Hey everyone! Does anyone know where GSU (Georgia State University) is located? I'm considering applying there and would like to know more about the area.

9 months ago

Georgia State University (GSU) is located in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is a vibrant city with a diverse population and a rich history. The campus is situated in the downtown area, which offers a multitude of attractions, entertainment, and dining options.

Being in a large city like Atlanta has its advantages for students, as it provides numerous opportunities for internships, jobs, and networking. The city is a major hub for various industries, such as media, healthcare, finance, and technology, so it can be a great place to launch your career.

Furthermore, Atlanta is known for its great weather, with mild winters and warm summers. The city also has a range of cultural sites and attractions to explore, including the Georgia Aquarium, the World of Coca-Cola, the Center for Civil and Human Rights, the High Museum of Art, and the Atlanta Botanical Garden. It's also home to several sports teams, such as the Atlanta Falcons, Braves, and Hawks, offering sports enthusiasts something to look forward to throughout the year.

Overall, studying at GSU will offer both a great education and an exciting urban experience in the thriving city of Atlanta.

9 months ago

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