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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does demonstrated interest matter in college admissions?

Hi everyone! I've been researching colleges and I've noticed that some schools consider demonstrated interest in their admissions decisions. How important is this factor, and what can I do to show my interest in a particular school? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hello! Demonstrated interest can indeed play a role in college admissions, especially at smaller schools or those with competitive applicant pools. While it may not be the most significant factor, showing genuine interest in a specific college can only help your application. To demonstrate your interest, you can try the following: visit the campus (either in-person or virtually), attend college fairs or information sessions, sign up for mailing lists, and engage with the school on social media. Additionally, reaching out to admissions representatives and faculty in your area of interest can be beneficial. Make sure these interactions are meaningful and relevant, as colleges can see through disingenuous efforts. Lastly, don't forget to mention specifics about the school in your application essays, such as unique programs or opportunities that align with your goals. Best of luck with your college search and admissions process!

a year ago

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