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UW-Parkside Athletics?

Anyone here familiar with UW-Parkside's athletics program? I'd love to know about the variety of sports available, the competitiveness of the teams, and how student-athletes balance their sport with academics. Thanks!

8 months ago

UW-Parkside, part of the NCAA Division II, offers a range of sports through their athletics program. For men, you'll find basketball, soccer, cross country, indoor and outdoor track and field, and wrestling, while women can participate in basketball, soccer, cross country, indoor and outdoor track and field, golf, and volleyball.

The competitiveness of the teams at UW-Parkside can vary by sport and by season, but generally speaking, the teams perform well within their conference, the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (GLIAC). Achievements vary from year to year, but there have been instances of teams and individual student-athletes earning spots in regional and national tournaments or championships.

Academic support and the balance between athletics and academics are a priority for student-athletes at UW-Parkside. The university provides student-athletes with academic resources, such as study groups, academic counseling, and tutoring services if needed. Additionally, coaches and athletics staff emphasize the importance of maintaining good academic standing and work alongside student-athletes to ensure they are on track to meet both academic and eligibility requirements.

Student-athletes at UW-Parkside typically have a structured schedule that includes practice, competition, travel, and academics. Time management skills are crucial for these students, as balancing a demanding athletic schedule alongside coursework can be challenging. However, by utilizing support resources and staying organized, many student-athletes find success both on and off the field.

Overall, UW-Parkside's athletics program offers a variety of sports and levels of competitiveness, with an emphasis on providing resources to help student-athletes excel in the classroom as well.

8 months ago

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