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Fashion schools in Atlanta, Georgia?

I'm a junior looking for good fashion schools to apply to in Atlanta, Georgia. Can anyone provide suggestions on some reputable schools with strong fashion programs in the area?

10 months ago

Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is an excellent choice for fashion enthusiasts studying in Georgia. Though their main campus is located in Savannah, they do have a campus in Atlanta that offers fashion studies. SCAD Atlanta provides both undergraduate and graduate programs in fashion, including majors in Fashion Design and Fashion Marketing & Management. The school is recognized for its industry connections, experienced faculty, and well-rounded curriculum that blends creativity and practical skills.

Additionally, Clark Atlanta University, a historically black college, offers a Fashion Design & Merchandising program, which focuses on design, textiles, fashion illustration, pattern making, and costume history.

Another option is the Art Institute of Atlanta, which offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion & Retail Management. The program emphasizes both the creative and business aspects of the fashion industry.

When researching potential schools, make sure to visit their websites, explore the curriculum, and review the alumni's work to see if it aligns with your goals. Additionally, considering factors such as class sizes, facilities, internships, and alumni networks will also play an essential role in determining which school is the best fit for you. Good luck with your search!

10 months ago

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